Estonia Ready to Share it’s Crypto Regulation Experience with the United States


“In a discussion with Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary of the US, the Estonian Minister Keit Pentus-Rosimannus offered to share Estonia’s experience in the regulation of crypto assets with the US so that cyber security ties between the countries can be tightened further.”

In a discussion with Janet Yellen, the Treasury Secretary of the US, the Estonian Minister Keit Pentus-Rosimannus offered to share Estonia’s experience in the regulation of crypto assets with the US so that cyber security ties between the countries can be tightened further. Estonia is one of the most important financial and security partner of the US and after the video call with Janet, she detailed:

“I suggested to the U.S. Treasury Secretary that Estonia can share its experience to identify best practices. We also discussed opportunities for cooperation in implementing FATF [Financial Action Task Force] and regulating cryptographic assets”.

Estonia’s experience comes from the new crypto regulation bill that has been completed and if passed will help in creating more transparency in the transactions of the cryptocurrencies as well as NFTs. This will help in ensuring better monitoring of the crypto markets to prevent money laundering and criminal activities through the pseudo anonymous crypto sector.

The Estonian Finance Minister also urged other countries at the global level to cooperate in the development of a comprehensive crypto regulation plan to ensure better transparency and better monitoring of the sector.

Disclaimer: The article is meant for the educational purpose only and in no way it should be considered as financial advice. Own research on the topic is advisable.

Photo by David bedanken on Pexels